Colour palette:

blue #header/112e66
R:17 G:46 B:102
Light blue #8dd8f8
R:141 G:216 B:248
Light gray #cccccc
R:204 G:204 B:204
Gray #4D4D4D
R:77 G:77 B:77
Black #231f20
R:35 G:31 B:32

PROGRAM Plovdiv 2019

motto: Rearrangement of Layers

Open call for remote participation in the 32nd Process Space Art Festival in Balchik 2021

The Process – Space Art Festival is an annual international festival for contemporary art, which takes place over two weeks during June in Balchik on the Black Sea cost of Bulgaria, except in 2001 and 2016 where it took place in Russe along the Danube. During these two weeks artists have the opportunity to discover the cultural sights, exchange knowledge and artistic practice between each other and to present their artworks created during the festival.

Unordered list

  • Product
  • Product
  • Product
  • Product

Ordered list

  1. Product
  2. Product
  3. Product
  4. Product





Center aligned

Process – Space Art Festival also changed venues. From the very beginning, the town of Balchik has hosted the festival, where last year the latest online edition was presented in one day at the Cultural Information Center "Mill" in Balchik. Ruse, Plovdiv and Brushlen have hosted the festival for the past five years. We were part of the program of Plovdiv - European Capital of Culture 2019.

Left aligned

Process – Space Art Festival also changed venues. From the very beginning, the town of Balchik has hosted the festival, where last year the latest online edition was presented in one day at the Cultural Information Center "Mill" in Balchik. Ruse, Plovdiv and Brushlen have hosted the festival for the past five years. We were part of the program of Plovdiv - European Capital of Culture 2019.

Right aligned

Process – Space Art Festival also changed venues. From the very beginning, the town of Balchik has hosted the festival, where last year the latest online edition was presented in one day at the Cultural Information Center "Mill" in Balchik. Ruse, Plovdiv and Brushlen have hosted the festival for the past five years. We were part of the program of Plovdiv - European Capital of Culture 2019.


Process – Space Art Festival also changed venues. From the very beginning, the town of Balchik has hosted the festival, where last year the latest online edition was presented in one day at the Cultural Information Center "Mill" in Balchik. Ruse, Plovdiv and Brushlen have hosted the festival for the past five years. We were part of the program of Plovdiv - European Capital of Culture 2019.


We would love to hear from you!