INSERT INTO `econt_offices`
                    (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES
                    ('37386', '47', '9788', 'Шумен', '9700', 'ул. Генчо Панайотов №88 блок.3 вх.3 ет.3 333', 'ul. Gencho Panayotov №88 блок.3 вх.3 ет.3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1053', '80', '7538', 'Айдемир', '7538', 'кв. Деленките ул. София №7', 'kv. Delenkite ul. Sofiya №7');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('133', '1', '8501', 'Айтос', '8500', 'ул. Георги Кондолов №7', 'ul. Georgi Kondolov №7');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34004', '1', '8503', 'Айтос', '8500', 'ул. Васил Левски №44', 'ul. Vasil Levski №44');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34261', '1284', '9040', 'Аксаково', '9154', 'ж.к. Надежда ул. Капитан Петко Войвода №1', 'zh.k. Nadejda ul. Kapitan Petko Voivoda №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1017', '83', '6750', 'Ардино', '6750', 'кв. Бостанджиите ул. Бели брези №21', 'kv. Bostanjiite ul. Beli brezi №21');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1052', '3', '4234', 'Асеновград', '4230', 'кв. Асеновград блок.12', 'kv. Asenovgrad блок.12');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('412', '3', '4231', 'Асеновград', '4230', 'ул. Гоце Делчев №40 зад сладкарница Нико', 'ul. Gotse Delchev №40');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34515', '3', '4237', 'Асеновград', '4230', 'ул. Чинара №2', 'ul. Chinara №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('802', '3', '4232', 'Асеновград', '4230', 'кв. Запад бул. България №77 паркинга на хотел "Сани"', 'kv. Zapad bul. Bylgariya №77');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34351', '3', '4235', 'Асеновград', '4230', 'ул. Капитан Райчо №9 зад болницата', 'ul. Kapitan Raycho №9');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('905', '3', '4233', 'Асеновград', '4230', 'ул. Христо Ботев №3', 'ul. Hristo Botev №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('882', '84', '8217', 'Ахелой', '8217', 'Ахелой ул. Слънчев бряг №1', 'Aheloy ul. Slunchev bryag №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34239', '87', '1322', 'Банкя', '1320', 'ул. София №44', 'ul. Sofiya №44');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34677', '87', '1323', 'Банкя', '1320', 'ул. Стефан Стамболов №2', 'ul. Stefan Stambolov №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('294', '88', '2770', 'Банско', '2770', 'ул. Васил Кънчев №8', 'ul. Vasil Kynchev №8');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('796', '88', '2771', 'Банско', '2770', 'ул. Охрид №20', 'ul. Ohrid №20');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34702', '90', '4580', 'Батак', '4580', 'ул. Априлци №5', 'ul. Aprilci №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('496', '91', '5931', 'Белене', '5930', 'ул.Патриарх Евтимий №23А', 'ul.Patriarh Evtimiy №23А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('241', '93', '4470', 'Белово', '4470', 'бул. Юндола №5', 'bul. Yundola №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('342', '288', '3900', 'Белоградчик', '3900', 'бул. Съединение №4', 'bul. Suedinenie №4');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34022', '22531', '4130', 'Белозем', '4130', 'ул. Река Сребра №2', 'ul. Reka Srebra №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('156', '27399', '3500', 'Берковица', '3500', 'ул. Бдин №6А', 'ul. Bdin №6А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34438', '94', '1444', 'Бистрица', '1444', 'ул. Цар Асенов път №1', 'ul. Tsar Asenov pyt №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34512', '4', '2711', 'Благоевград', '2700', 'ул. Васил Мечкуевски №28', 'ul. Vasil Mechkuevski №28');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34522', '4', '2715', 'Благоевград', '2700', 'ул. Покровнишко шосе №20', 'ul. Pokrovnishko shose №20');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34504', '4', '2710', 'Благоевград', '2700', 'ул. Яне Сандански №1 пред Бриколаж (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'ul. Yane Sandanski №1 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34518', '4', '2713', 'Благоевград', '2700', 'ж.к. Еленово ул. Георги Андрейчин №7', 'zh.k. Elenovo ul. Georgi Andreiychin №7');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34523', '4', '2716', 'Благоевград', '2700', 'ж.к. Запад ул. Свети Свети Кирил и Методий №31', 'zh.k. Zapad ul. Sveti Sveti Kiril i Metodiy №31');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34524', '4', '2717', 'Благоевград', '2700', 'ул. Иван Михайлов №58а срещу спортния интернат', 'ul. Ivan Mihaylov №58а');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34513', '4', '2712', 'Благоевград', '2700', 'ул. Даме Груев №15', 'ul. Dame Gruev №15');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('858', '4', '2708', 'Благоевград', '2700', 'кв. Струмско ул. Яне Сандански №2Г', 'kv. Strumsko ul. Yane Sandanski №2Г');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34378', '153', '2228', 'Божурище', '2227', 'ж.к. Жилища ул. Христо Ботев №9а', 'zh.k. Jilischtа ul. Hristo Botev №9а');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33999', '5', '2145', 'Ботевград', '2140', 'ул. Свобода №2', 'ul. Svoboda №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33474', '5', '2144', 'Ботевград', '2140', 'ж.к. Васил Левски ул. Илия Стоянов №3А', 'zh.k. Vasil Levski ul. Ilia Stoyanov №3А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34531', '52', '2360', 'Брезник', '2360', 'ул. Георги Бунджулов №12', 'ul. Georgi Bundjulov №12');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34024', '2', '8015', 'Бургас', '8000', 'ул. Марица №2 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'ul. Marica №2 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34054', '2', '8029', 'Бургас', '8000', 'бул. Транспортна №31 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Transportna №31 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('575', '2', '8009', 'Бургас', '8000', 'ж.к. Братя Миладинови ул. Марица №135', 'zh.k. Bratya Miladinovi ul. Marica №135');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34334', '2', '8031', 'Бургас', '8000', 'кв. Ветрен Автокомплекс Ветрен', 'kv. Vetren');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('768', '2', '8018', 'Бургас', '8000', 'ж.к. Меден рудник блок.529 до Терминала', 'zh.k. Meden rudnik блок.529');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('574', '2', '8006', 'Бургас', '8000', 'ж.к. Славейков блок.145 офис 2', 'zh.k. Slaveykov блок.145');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34721', '2', '8033', 'Бургас', '8000', 'ул. Захари Зограф №75', 'ul. Zahari Zograf №75');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('615', '2', '8013', 'Бургас', '8000', 'ж.к. Зорница №51 к-с Перла', 'zh.k. Zornitsa №51');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('484', '2', '8012', 'Бургас', '8000', 'ж.к. Изгрев блок.186 партер', 'zh.k. Izgrev блок.186');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34723', '2', '8034', 'Бургас', '8000', 'ж.к. Изгрев блок.91 ,', 'zh.k. Izgrev блок.91');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('246', '2', '8004', 'Бургас', '8000', 'ж.к. Лазур ул. Батак №18 срещу руската гимназия', 'zh.k. Lazur ul. Batak №18');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('346', '2', '8007', 'Бургас', '8000', 'кв. Зона А бл.383', 'kv. Zona A');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('222', '2', '8003', 'Бургас', '8000', 'ж.к. Възраждане ул. Пробуда №65', 'zh.k. Vyzrazhdane ul. Probuda №65');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('453', '2', '8011', 'Бургас', '8000', 'кв. 1 ул. Янко Комитов №1 БЦ Мадика /срещу КАТ/', 'kv. 1 ul. Yanko Komitov №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('996', '2', '8020', 'Бургас', '8000', 'кв. 1 ул. Оборище №57', 'kv. 1 ul. Oborishte №57');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34436', '2', '8032', 'Бургас', '8000', 'ул. Ради Николов №30', 'ul. Radi Nikolov №30');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('130', '2', '8002', 'Бургас', '8000', 'ж.к. Славейков блок.55 вх.Ж бл.55', 'zh.k. Slaveykov блок.55 вх.Ж');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('552', '108', '3201', 'Бяла Слатина', '3200', 'ул. Васил Левски №14', 'ul. Vasil Levski №14');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('251', '6', '7100', 'Бяла, Русенско', '7100', 'кв. Бяла Русенско ул. Иван Вазов №15', 'kv. Byala Rusensko ul. Ivan Vazov №15');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1108', '7', '9035', 'Варна', '9000', 'бул. Република №59', 'bul. Republika №59');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34183', '7', '9037', 'Варна', '9000', 'кв. Западна Промишлена Зона ул. Перла №20 блок.21', 'kv. Zapadna Promishlena Zona ul. Perla №20 блок.21');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34526', '7', '90118', 'Варна', '9000', 'бул. Република №59', 'bul. Republika №59');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33994', '7', '9036', 'Варна', '9000', 'бул. Владислав Варненчик №186 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Vladislav Varnenchik №186 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34483', '7', '9044', 'Варна', '9000', 'бул. Владислав Варненчик №158 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Vladislav Varnenchik №158 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34356', '7', '9043', 'Варна', '9000', 'ул. Мир №1 бензиностанция OMV (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'ul. Mir №1 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1097', '7', '9034', 'Варна', '9000', 'Център ул. 27-ми юли №14', 'Centar ul. 27-mi yli №14');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('908', '7', '9032', 'Варна', '9000', 'кв. Аспарухово №2 блок.2 вх.В (зад училище Христо Ботев)', 'kv. Asparuhovo №2 блок.2 вх.В');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('533', '7', '9004', 'Варна', '9000', 'Център ул. Сава Доброплодни №13', 'Centar ul. Sava Dobroplodni №13');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('426', '7', '9013', 'Варна', '9000', 'ул. Джеймс Баучер №3 срещу блок 3', 'ul. Dzheyms Baucher №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34301', '7', '9041', 'Варна', '9000', 'кв. Бриз ул. д-р Борис Окс №6', 'kv. Briz ul. d-r Boris Oks №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('630', '7', '9021', 'Варна', '9000', 'ж.к. Виница ул. Цар Борис III №16', 'zh.k. Vinitsa ul. Tsar Boris III №16');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('540', '7', '9018', 'Варна', '9000', 'кв. Владислав Варненчик ул. Ниш №33', 'kv. Vladislav Varnenchik ul. Nish №33');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34650', '7', '9046', 'Варна', '9000', 'ул. Янко Мустаков №61 район Ментешето', 'ul. Yanko Mustakov №61');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('601', '7', '9020', 'Варна', '9000', 'кв. Възраждане ул. Поп Димитър №12 срещу бл.66', 'kv. Vyzrazhdane ul. Pop Dimityr №12');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('825', '7', '9028', 'Варна', '9000', 'кв. Възраждане ул. Майка Тереза №6 до бл.7', 'kv. Vyzrazhdane ul. Maika Tereza №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34673', '7', '9048', 'Варна', '9000', 'кв. Васил Левски ул. Доктор Анастасия Железкова №46', 'kv. Vasil Levski ul. Doktor Anastasia Zhelezkova №46');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('569', '7', '9006', 'Варна', '9000', 'Център ул. Шабла №1', 'Centar ul. Shabla №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('824', '7', '9027', 'Варна', '9000', 'ж.к. Кайсиева градина бул. Цар Освободител №256', 'zh.k. Kaysieva gradina bul. Tsar Osvoboditel №256');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('436', '7', '9015', 'Варна', '9000', 'Център ул. Стара планина №41-43', 'Centar ul. Stara planina №41-43');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('235', '7', '9005', 'Варна', '9000', 'кв. Васил Левски ул. Васил Ставрев №2', 'kv. Vasil Levski ul. Vasil Stavrev №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('644', '7', '9009', 'Варна', '9000', 'кв. Васил Левски ул. Народен юмрук №3 зад Банка ДСК', 'kv. Vasil Levski ul. Naroden umruk №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('383', '7', '9011', 'Варна', '9000', 'кв. Младост блок.100 с-у гостилница Гюрлата', 'kv. Mladost блок.100');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1057', '7', '9033', 'Варна', '9000', 'кв. Младост срещу бл.145', 'kv. Mladost');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('215', '7', '9003', 'Варна', '9000', 'ул. Калофер №2', 'ul. Kalofer №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34669', '7', '9047', 'Варна', '9000', 'кв. Победа ул. Петко Стайнов №12', 'kv. Pobeda ul. Petko Staynov №12');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('521', '7', '9017', 'Варна', '9000', 'ул. Неофит Рилски №22', 'ul. Neofit Rilski №22');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('554', '7', '9019', 'Варна', '9000', 'кв. Трошево ул. Радост №8 до училище Добри Чинтулов', 'kv. Troshevo ul. Radost №8');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('871', '7', '9029', 'Варна', '9000', 'Център бул. Христо Ботев №18', 'Centar bul. Hristo Botev №18');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('788', '7', '9026', 'Варна', '9000', 'Район Приморски ул. Бели лилии №20 м-н 3', 'Paion Primorski ul. Beli lilii №20');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('421', '7', '9012', 'Варна', '9000', 'кв. Чайка ул. Рупи №3 блок.68 партер (на гърба на Пощенски клон 5)', 'kv. Chayka ul. Rupi №3 блок.68');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34329', '7', '9042', 'Варна', '9000', 'кв. Чайка блок.68е .', 'kv. Chayka блок.68е');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('311', '7', '9008', 'Варна', '9000', 'ул. Княз Николаевич №34 зад пазара за цветя', 'ul. Knyaz Nikolaevich №34');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('281', '7', '9001', 'Варна', '9000', 'ул. Цар Асен №50', 'ul. Tsar Asen №50');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('869', '158', '9853', 'Велики Преслав', '9850', 'ул. Борис Спиров №28', 'ul. Boris Spirov №28');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34241', '8', '5020', 'Велико Търново', '5000', 'ул. Оборище №18 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'ul. Oborishte №18 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('842', '8', '5007', 'Велико Търново', '5000', 'ж.к. Бузлуджа ул. Димитър Благоев №40', 'zh.k. Buzludzha ul. Dimityr Blagoev №40');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('891', '8', '5008', 'Велико Търново', '5000', 'бул. България №21', 'bul. Bylgariya №21');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34232', '8', '5013', 'Велико Търново', '5000', 'ул. Стоян Коледаров №44', 'ul. Stoian Koledarov №44');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('921', '8', '5009', 'Велико Търново', '5000', 'кв. Картала ул. Стоян Михайловски №9 магазин 2а', 'kv. Kartala ul. Stoyan Mihaylovski №9');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('763', '8', '5004', 'Велико Търново', '5000', 'ул. Мизия №28', 'ul. Miziya №28');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('812', '8', '5006', 'Велико Търново', '5000', 'кв. Варуша пл. Пенчо Славейков №5 до Халите', 'uv. Varusha pl. Pencho Slaveykov №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('961', '8', '5011', 'Велико Търново', '5000', 'ул. Христо Ботев №28', 'ul. Hristo Botev №28');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('64', '53', '4600', 'Велинград', '4600', 'ул. Пазарска №2', 'ul. Pazarska №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('747', '53', '4603', 'Велинград', '4600', 'ул. Св. Св. Кирил и Методий №5', 'ul. Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodiи №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34043', '53', '4604', 'Велинград', '4600', 'бул. Съединение №140', 'bul. Syedinenie №140');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33998', '1242', '7081', 'Ветово', '7080', 'ул. Велико Търново №5', 'ul. Veliko Tyrnowo №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('13', '9', '3700', 'Видин', '3700', 'Видин ул. Княз Борис I №10', 'Vidin ul. Knyaz Boris I №10');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('340', '9', '3701', 'Видин', '3700', 'Видин ул. Райко Жензифов №0 до бл. 27', 'Vidin ul. Rayko Zhenzifov №0');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('758', '9', '3703', 'Видин', '3700', 'Видин ул. Екзарх Йосиф I №32', 'Vidin ul. Ekzarh Yosif I №32');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('760', '9', '3704', 'Видин', '3700', 'Видин ул. Цар Александър II №71', 'Vidin ul. Tsar Aleksandyr II №71');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34764', '54', '4136', 'Войводиново', '4135', 'ул. Христо Ботев №1', 'ul. Hristo Botev №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33457', '10', '3008', 'Враца', '3000', 'ж.к. Металург ул. Никола Вапцаров №18 .', 'j.k. Metalurg ul. Nikola Vaptsarov №18');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34002', '10', '3009', 'Враца', '3000', 'бул. Демокрация №16 Търговски комплекс "СУМИ" (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Demokratsiya №16 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('301', '10', '3001', 'Враца', '3000', 'бул. Демокрация №76', 'bul. Demokratsiya №76');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34397', '10', '3012', 'Враца', '3000', 'кв. 72 ул. Генерал Леонов №77', 'kv. 72 ul. General Leonov №77');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34382', '10', '3011', 'Враца', '3000', 'ул. Илинден №10 Западна промишлена зона до Механотехникума', 'ul. Ilinden №10');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34252', '10', '3010', 'Враца', '3000', 'ул. Петропавловска №42', 'ul. Petropavlovska №42');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34053', '161', '3651', 'Вълчедръм', '3650', 'ул. България №17', 'ul. Balgaria №17');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34259', '139', '3543', 'Вършец', '3540', 'ул. Хан Омуртаг №6', 'ul. Han Omurtag №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1087', '11', '5306', 'Габрово', '5300', 'ул. Доктор Заменхоф №3 Под Автогарата', 'ul. Doktor Zamenhof №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('800', '11', '5304', 'Габрово', '5300', 'ул. Нарцис №1 до стадион В. Априлов', 'ul. Nartsis №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34211', '11', '5307', 'Габрово', '5300', 'пл. Белорусия №3', 'pl. Belorusiya №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('191', '11', '5301', 'Габрово', '5300', 'ул. Орловска №27 до кръговото', 'ul. Orlovska №27');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('500', '11', '5303', 'Габрово', '5300', 'ул. Св. Св. Кирил и Методий №10 срещу Куклен театър', 'ul. Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii №10');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('870', '11', '5305', 'Габрово', '5300', 'ул. Йосиф Соколски №4', 'ul. Yosif Sokolski №4');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34486', '23207', '2109', 'Гара Елин Пелин', '2109', 'ул. Керамик №3', 'ul. Keramik №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33979', '163', '9504', 'Генерал Тошево', '9500', 'ул. Трети Март №9', 'ul. Treti Mart №9');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34418', '27444', '1186', 'Герман', '1186', 'ул. Младежка №2А', 'ул. Младежка №2А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34505', '23260', '7632', 'Главиница', '7630', 'ул. Розова долина №1', 'ул. Розова долина №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34245', '1305', '3327', 'Гложене', '3327', 'ул. Ленин №93', 'ul. Lenin №93');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34433', '12', '5106', 'Горна Оряховица', '5100', 'ул. Вичо Грънчаров №9', 'ul. Vicho Gryncharov №9');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1020', '12', '5105', 'Горна Оряховица', '5100', 'ул. Цар Освободител №95', 'ul. Tsar Osvoboditel №95');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('980', '12', '5104', 'Горна Оряховица', '5100', 'кв. Пролет ул. Д-р Петър Берон №4', 'kv. Prolet ul. D-r Petyr Beron №4');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('733', '12', '5102', 'Горна Оряховица', '5100', 'ул. Св. Княз Борис І №13', 'ul. Sv. Knyaz Boris І №13');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('67', '168', '2900', 'Гоце Делчев', '2900', 'ул. Драма №35', 'ul. Drama №35');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34042', '168', '2902', 'Гоце Делчев', '2900', 'ул. Дунав №26', 'ul. Dunav №26');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('592', '168', '2903', 'Гоце Делчев', '2900', 'ул. Генерал Ковачев №6', 'ul. General Kovachev №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34490', '168', '2904', 'Гоце Делчев', '2900', 'Панаирски ливади №21 .', 'Panairski livadi №21');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34267', '23468', '4290', 'Градина', '4290', 'ул. Иван Вазов №20', 'ul. ivan Vazov №20');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1012', '146', '6280', 'Гълъбово', '6280', 'ул. Георги Бенковски №8', 'ul. Georgi Benkovski №8');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34258', '1382', '7151', 'Две Могили', '7150', 'ул. Шипка №1', 'ul. Schipka №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34489', '257', '4806', 'Девин', '4800', 'ул. Васил Левски №29', 'ul. Vasil Levski №29');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34353', '13', '9163', 'Девня', '9160', 'кв. Девня бул. Съединение №0 до бензиностанция Лукойл', 'kv. Devnia bul. Syedinenie №0');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34025', '135', '6852', 'Джебел', '6850', 'ул. Еделвайс №44', 'ul. Еdelvays №44');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('719', '147', '6404', 'Димитровград', '6400', 'кв. Каменец ул. Димитър Благоев №2', 'kv. Kamenec ul. Dimitar Blagoev №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('404', '147', '6403', 'Димитровград', '6400', 'ул. Петър Парапанов №12-14 до Кауфланд', 'ul. Petyr Parapanov №12-14');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('323', '147', '6402', 'Димитровград', '6400', 'ул. Хр.Ботев №46', 'ul. Hr.Botev №46');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('280', '147', '6401', 'Димитровград', '6400', 'ул. Димитър Благоев №16', 'ul. Dimitar Blagoev №16');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('560', '1272', '2777', 'Добринище', '2777', 'ул. Александър Стамболийски №1', 'ul. Aleksandar Stamboliiski №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1071', '15', '9311', 'Добрич', '9300', 'кв. Северна промишлена зона ул. Ангел Стоянов №8', 'kv. Severna promishlena zona ul. Angel Stoyanov №8');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34040', '15', '9313', 'Добрич', '9300', 'ул. Отец Паисий №25 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'ul. Otets Paisiy №25 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('761', '15', '9305', 'Добрич', '9300', 'кв. Балик ул. Христо Ботев №95', 'kv. Balik ul. Hristo Botev №95');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('860', '15', '9307', 'Добрич', '9300', 'ул. Георги Кирков №26', 'ul. Georgi Kirkov №26');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('469', '15', '9303', 'Добрич', '9300', 'ул. Хан Тервел №65', 'ul. Han Tervel №65');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34399', '15', '9314', 'Добрич', '9300', 'бул. Двадесет и пети септември №8 околовръстен път Добротица', 'bul. Dvadeset i peti septemvri №8');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('911', '15', '9308', 'Добрич', '9300', 'ул. Генерал Колев №28', 'ul. General Kolev №28');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1018', '15', '9309', 'Добрич', '9300', 'бул. Двадесет и пети септември №45', 'bul. Dvadeset i peti septemvri №45');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34459', '15', '9315', 'Добрич', '9300', 'бул. Русия №19', 'bul. Rusiya №19');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33962', '23735', '5857', 'Долна Митрополия', '5855', 'ул. Свети Свети Кирил и Методий №41', 'ul. Svети Sveti Kiril i Metodij №41');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1033', '141', '5131', 'Долна Оряховица', '5130', 'ул. Георги Измирлиев №9', 'ul. Georgi Izmirliev №9');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('893', '174', '5870', 'Долни Дъбник', '5870', 'ул. Асен Златаров №16', 'ul. Asen Zlatarov №16');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('282', '295', '4831', 'Доспат', '4831', 'ул. Тракия №10', 'ul. Trakia №10');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34770', '176', '2210', 'Драгоман', '2211', 'ул. Александър Стамболийски №1В (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'ul. Alexander Stamboliiski №1В (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('275', '14', '5370', 'Дряново', '5370', 'ул. Стара Планина №1', 'ul. Stara Planina №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('165', '256', '7650', 'Дулово', '7650', 'ул. Петко Рачев Славейков №2А', 'ul. Petko Rachev Slaveykov №2А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1014', '16', '2602', 'Дупница', '2600', 'ул. Македония №29 до старата автогара', 'ul. Makedoniya №29');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33992', '16', '2604', 'Дупница', '2600', 'ул. Патриарх Евтимий №11 (до Севдината фурна)', 'ul. Patriarh Evtimiy №11');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1106', '16', '2603', 'Дупница', '2600', 'ул. Николаевска №59', 'ul. Nikolaevska №59');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('106441', '188', '1702', 'Китен', '8183', 'ул. Коручешме №2 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'ul. Korucheshme №2 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('35470', '35', '123123123', 'Русе', '7000', 'бул. Тутракан №11 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Tutrakan №11 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34234', '143', '5072', 'Елена', '5070', 'ул. Иларион Макариополски №42', 'ul. Ilarion Makariopolski №42');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('286', '55', '2100', 'Елин Пелин', '2100', 'бул. Новоселци №95', 'bul. Novoseltsi №95');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('856', '55', '2101', 'Елин Пелин', '2100', 'ул. Елин Пелин №10', 'ul. Elin Pelin №10');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34794', '263', '8701', 'Елхово', '8700', 'ул. Александър Стамболийски №29', 'ul. Aleksandyr Stamboliyski №29');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('196', '56', '2180', 'Етрополе', '2180', 'бул. Партизански №35', 'bul. Partizanski №35');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('485', '286', '2081', 'Златица', '2080', 'ул. Владислав Варненчик №1А', 'ul. Vladislav Varnrnchik №1А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('160', '181', '4980', 'Златоград', '4980', 'ул. Стефан Стамболов №2А', 'ul. Stefan Stambolov №2А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33477', '24194', '6571', 'Ивайловград', '6570', 'ул. Любимец №1', 'ul. Lubimec №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('172', '131', '7400', 'Исперих', '7400', 'ул. Родопи №1', 'ul. Rodopi №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34506', '17', '2053', 'Ихтиман', '2050', 'ул. Цар Освободител №110', 'ul. TSar Osvoboditel №110');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('212', '183', '9650', 'Каварна', '9650', 'бул. България №57 Сити център', 'bul. Bulgaria №57');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('23', '18', '6100', 'Казанлък', '6100', 'ул. Алеко Константинов №2 юг', 'ul. Aleko Konstantinov №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34032', '18', '6105', 'Казанлък', '6100', 'ж.к. Изток ул. Кремона №26 под блок 20', 'zh.k. Iztok ul. Kremona №26');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('711', '18', '6103', 'Казанлък', '6100', 'кв. Манастира ул. Александър Стамболийски №7', 'kv. Manastira ul. Aleksandyr Stamboliyski №7');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34707', '18', '6108', 'Казанлък', '6100', 'ул. Розова долина №53 срещу завод Арсенал', 'ul. Rozova dolina №53');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('108', '18', '6101', 'Казанлък', '6100', 'бул. Княз Александър Батенберг №221 до ПРП', 'bul. Knyaz Aleksandyr Batenberg №221');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('906', '18', '6104', 'Казанлък', '6100', 'бул. Никола Петков №29', 'bul. Nikola Petkov №29');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1083', '27454', '1532', 'Казичене', '1532', 'ул. Никола Петков №21А', 'ul. Nikola Petkov №21А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('958', '59', '4370', 'Калофер', '4370', 'ул. 9 септември №10', 'ul. 9 septemvri №10');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34224', '24322', '4173', 'Калояново', '4173', 'ул. Асен Гаргов №27', 'ul. Asen Gargov №27');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('472', '24356', '8121', 'Камено', '8120', 'Камено ул. Георги Димитров №19', 'Kameno ul. Georgi Dimitrov №19');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1070', '19', '4302', 'Карлово', '4300', 'ул. Юмрукчал №36', 'ul. Yumrukchal №36');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33963', '19', '4303', 'Карлово', '4300', 'ул. Иван Вазов №47', 'ul. Ivan Vazov №47');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('493', '19', '4301', 'Карлово', '4300', 'ул. Хан Крум №33', 'ul. Han Krum №33');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1031', '20', '8402', 'Карнобат', '8400', 'Индустриална зона №29 до магазин Т Маркет', 'Industrialna zona №29');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34478', '1245', '9931', 'Каспичан', '9930', 'ул. Мадарски конник №77', 'ul. Madarski konnik №77');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('206', '136', '6884', 'Кирково', '6884', 'ул. Димитър Благоев №23', 'ul. Dimityr Blagoev №23');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('486', '109', '5836', 'Кнежа', '5835', 'ул. Огнян Михайлов №1', 'ul. Ognyan Mihaylov №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('599', '60', '3322', 'Козлодуй', '3320', 'ж.к. 1 №1 тест', 'kv. 1 №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('73', '60', '3320', 'Козлодуй', '3320', 'ул. Цар Симеон Велики', 'ul. Tzar Simeon Veliki');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('515', '21', '2031', 'Костенец', '2030', 'кв. Костенец ул. Търговска №7', 'kv. Kostenez ul. Tyrgovska №7');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34706', '191', '2232', 'Костинброд', '2230', 'ул. Славянска №36', 'ul. Slavyanska №36');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1015', '192', '8970', 'Котел', '8970', 'ул. Ген. Иван Кишелски №11', 'ul. Gen. Ivan Kishelski №11');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34366', '27338', '4222', 'Кричим', '4220', 'Тракия №26', 'Trakia №26');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('262', '137', '6900', 'Крумовград', '6900', 'ул. Княз Борис I №6', 'ul. Kniaz Boris I №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34797', '196', '6140', 'Крън', '6140', '№34', '№34');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33974', '130', '7302', 'Кубрат', '7300', 'ул. Княз Борис №23', 'ul. Knyaz Boris №23');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34484', '24745', '4105', 'Куклен', '4101', 'ул. Христо Г. Данов №21', 'ul. Hristo G. Danov №21');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34716', '23', '6607', 'Кърджали', '6600', 'ул. Металург №2А до Механотехникума', 'ul. Metalurg №2А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33479', '23', '6606', 'Кърджали', '6600', 'бул. България №101', 'bul. Bylgariya №101');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('239', '23', '6601', 'Кърджали', '6600', 'ул. Екзарх Йосиф №6', 'ul. Ekzarh Yosif №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('946', '23', '6603', 'Кърджали', '6600', 'кв. Веселчане ул. Първи май №7', 'kv. Veselchane ul. Pyrvi may №7');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('618', '23', '6602', 'Кърджали', '6600', 'кв. Възрожденци №8', 'kv. Vyzrozhdentsi №8');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('762', '22', '2503', 'Кюстендил', '2500', 'ул. Даскал Димитри №31', 'ul. Daskal Dimitri №31');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('370', '22', '2502', 'Кюстендил', '2500', 'ул. Александър Батенберг №19', 'ul. Aleksandyr Batenberg №19');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34362', '22', '2504', 'Кюстендил', '2500', 'кв. Румяна Войвода ул. Колуша №2 блок 2', 'kv. Rumyana Voyvoda ul. Kolusha №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('278', '22', '2501', 'Кюстендил', '2500', 'ул. Мориц Леви №1', 'ul. Morits Levi №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33980', '281', '5901', 'Левски', '5900', 'ул. Кирил и Методий №16', 'ul. Kiril i Metodiy №16');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1011', '24', '5506', 'Ловеч', '5500', 'кв. Младост бл. 302', 'kv. Mladost');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('631', '24', '5503', 'Ловеч', '5500', 'ул. Полковник Александър Кусев №6', 'ul. Polkovnik Aleksandyr Kusev №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33973', '24', '5509', 'Ловеч', '5500', 'ул. Търговска №13', 'ul. Tyrgovska №13');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('948', '24', '5505', 'Ловеч', '5500', 'Кооперативен пазар ул. Георги С .Раковски №1 до сладкарница Фаворит', 'Kooperativen pazar ul. Georgi S. Rakovski №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34465', '199', '1188', 'Лозен', '1151', 'кв. Горни Лозен ул. Съединение №127Г', 'kv. Gorni Lozen ul. Syedinenie №127Г');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34520', '200', '8279', 'Лозенец', '8277', 'ул. Велека №15', 'ul. Veleka №15');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('449', '25', '3602', 'Лом', '3600', 'ул. Дунавска №10', 'ul. Dunavska №10');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('273', '25', '3600', 'Лом', '3600', 'ул. Хан Аспарух №5', 'ul. Han Asparuh №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('129', '201', '5770', 'Луковит', '5770', 'ул. Възраждане №83', 'ul. Vyzrazhdane №83');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33970', '151', '6551', 'Любимец', '6550', 'ул. Христо Ботев №67', 'ul. Hristo Botev №67');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('494', '61', '5143', 'Лясковец', '5140', 'ул. Трети март №5', 'str. Treti mart №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34765', '202', '4902', 'Мадан', '4900', 'ул. Обединение №1 начало', 'ul. Obedinenie №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34256', '62', '7059', 'Мартен', '7058', 'ул. Родопи №2', 'ul. Rodopi №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34726', '63', '3101', 'Мездра', '3100', 'ул. Динко Петров №2', 'ul. Dinko Petrov №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('316', '205', '3330', 'Мизия', '3330', 'ул. Александър Якимов №20 блок.5 вх.В', 'ul. Aleksandar Yakimov №20 блок.5 вх.В');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('100022756', '22756', '3704', 'Брегово', '3790', 'Мобилна пощенска станция - гр. Брегово, ул.Христо Ботев №1', 'Мobile post station - gr. Bregovo, ul. Hristo Botev 1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('100023147', '23147', '9853', 'Върбица', '9870', 'Мобилна пощенска станция - гр. Върбица, ул. Септемврийско въстание 52', 'Мobile post station - gr. Varbitsa, ul. Septemriysko vastanie 52');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('100023270', '23270', '7302', 'Глоджево', '7040', 'Мобилна пощенска станция - гр. Глоджево, център', 'Мobile post station - gr. Glodzhevo, centre');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('100023465', '23465', '8800', 'Градец', '8990', 'Мобилна пощенска станция - с. Градец, пред Кметството', 'Мobile post station - s. Gradets, in front of the Village Hall');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('100023798', '23798', '4640', 'Дорково', '4641', 'Мобилна пощенска станция - с. Дорково, площад пред Кметството', 'Мobile post station - s. Dorkovo, the square in front of the Village Hall');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('100024036', '24036', '8800', 'Жеравна', '8988', 'Мобилна пощенска станция- гр. Жеравна, пред пощата', 'Мobile post station - gr. Zheravna, in front of the Post Office');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('100000127', '127', '823028', 'Каблешково', '8210', 'Мобилна пощенска станция - гр. Каблешково, ул. Климент Охридски 7, на площада пред читалище Атанас Манчев', 'Мobile post station - gr. Kableshkovo, ul. Kliment Ohridski 7, the square in front of the Atanas Manchev Community Centre');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('100024609', '24609', '4640', 'Костандово', '4644', 'Мобилна пощенска станция - гр. Костандово, площад Европа център', 'Мobile post station - gr. Kostandovo, Europe square - centre');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('100001241', '1241', '7203', 'Лозница', '7290', 'Мобилна пощенска станция - гр. Лозница, ул. Дружба 11, срещу автогарата', 'Мobile post station - gr. Loznitsa, ul. Druzhba 11, opposite the Bus Station');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('100026770', '26770', '5506', 'Угърчин', '5580', 'Мобилна пощенска станция - гр. Угърчин, пл. Свобода 1, паркингът пред Общината', 'Мobile post station - gr. Ugarchin, pl. Svoboda 1, the car park in front of the Town Hall');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('100027259', '27259', '7000', 'Червена Вода', '7051', 'Мобилна пощенска станция - с. Червена вода, стопански двор', 'Мobile post station - s. Chervena voda, farmyard');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('100027132', '27132', '8800', 'Ябланово', '8989', 'Мобилна пощенска станция - с. Ябланово, ул. Никола Вапцаров - пред сладкарницата', 'Мobile post station - s. Yablanovo, ul Nikola Vaptsarov - in front of the sweet shop');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('243', '138', '6800', 'Момчилград', '6800', 'ул. Маказа №3', 'ul. Makaza №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1091', '26', '3401', 'Монтана', '3400', 'бул. Трети март №13', 'bul. Treti mart №13');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('998', '26', '3405', 'Монтана', '3400', 'бул. Монтана №27', 'bul. Montana №27');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34182', '26', '3403', 'Монтана', '3400', 'ул. Индустриална №30', 'ul. Industrialna №30');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('843', '26', '3404', 'Монтана', '3400', 'ж.к. Пъстрина бул. Александър Стамболийски №58', 'zh.k. Pystrina bul. Aleksandyr Stamboliyski №58');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('379', '26', '3402', 'Монтана', '3400', 'ул. Извора №7Б', 'ul. Izvora №7Б');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34779', '209', '1222', 'Негован', '1222', 'ул. Васил Левски №45А', 'ul. Vasil Levski №45А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('244', '125', '82301', 'Несебър', '8230', 'ул. Еделвайс №43', 'ul. Edelvays №43');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('646', '125', '8231', 'Несебър', '8230', 'кв. Несебър №1 на входа за Несебър и Слънчев Бряг', 'kv. Nesebyr №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('780', '27', '8902', 'Нова Загора', '8900', 'ул. Петко Енев №78 (срещу Горското)', 'ul. Petko Enev №78');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('271', '27', '8900', 'Нова Загора', '8900', 'ул. Васил Левски №66', 'ul. Vasil Levski №66');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('777', '212', '1280', 'Нови Искър', '1280', 'кв. ЖП гара Курило ул. Търговска №18', 'kv. JP gara Kurilo ul. Tyrgovska №18');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33445', '212', '1282', 'Нови Искър', '1280', 'ул. Искърско дефиле №120А', 'ul. Iskyrsko defile №120А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34185', '213', '9902', 'Нови Пазар', '9900', 'ул. Хаджи Димитър №14', 'ul. Hadji Dimitar №14');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('37393', '25347', '2111', 'Нови Хан', '2110', 'ул. Оборище №11А', 'ul. Oborishte №11А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('587', '1301', '8252', 'Обзор', '8250', 'ул. Трети март №3', 'ul. Treti mart №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('737', '214', '7901', 'Омуртаг', '7900', 'ул. Родопи №38', 'ul. Rodopi №38');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34120', '216', '6155', 'Павел Баня', '6155', 'ул. Освобождение №31', 'ul. Osvobojdenie №31');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1058', '217', '5203', 'Павликени', '5200', 'пл. Стефан Караджа №16 (до Магазин Абсолют плюс)', 'pl. Stefan Karadzha №16');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34406', '217', '5226', 'Павликени', '5200', 'бул. Руски №59 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Ruski №59 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('535', '217', '5202', 'Павликени', '5200', 'ул. Атанас Хаджиславчев №17', 'ul. Atanas Hadzhislavchev №17');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34125', '29', '4402', 'Пазарджик', '4400', 'ул. Мильо войвода №5', 'ul. Milyo Voyvoda №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1056', '29', '4409', 'Пазарджик', '4400', 'кв. Център ул. Булаир №27', 'kv. Centar ul. Bulair №27');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1040', '29', '4407', 'Пазарджик', '4400', 'кв. Вароша бул. България №55', 'kv. Varosha bul. Bylgariya №55');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('252', '29', '4401', 'Пазарджик', '4400', 'ул. Тодор Каблешков №10', 'ul. Todor Kableshkov №10');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1041', '29', '4408', 'Пазарджик', '4400', 'кв. Център ул. Цар Симеон №1', 'kv. Centar ul. Tsar Simeon №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34701', '29', '4412', 'Пазарджик', '4400', 'бул. Стефан Стамболов №19', 'bul. Stefan Stambolov №19');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('63', '64', '4500', 'Панагюрище', '4500', 'ул. Георги Бенковски №25', 'ul. Georgi Benkovski №25');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34249', '64', '4502', 'Панагюрище', '4500', 'пл. 20-ти април №1 Общински пазар', 'pl. 20-ti april №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34009', '30', '2308', 'Перник', '2300', 'ул. Отец Паисий №45 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'ul. Otets Paisiy №45 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34492', '30', '2315', 'Перник', '2300', 'ул. Владайско въстание №1 в сградата на м-н Мал Мук', 'ul. Vladaysko vystanie №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34419', '30', '2314', 'Перник', '2300', 'ул. Минск №3', 'ul. Minsk №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34508', '30', '2316', 'Перник', '2300', 'кв. Проучване ТИР паркинг Светля', 'kv. Prouchvane');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34271', '30', '2312', 'Перник', '2300', 'ул. Рашко Димитров №102', 'ul. Rashko Dimitrov №102');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('253', '30', '2301', 'Перник', '2300', 'ул. Розова долина №3', 'ul. Rozova dolina №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34394', '30', '2313', 'Перник', '2300', 'ул. Бродо №3', 'ul. Brodo №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34409', '103', '4226', 'Перущица', '4225', 'Иван Вазов №24', 'Ivan Vazov №24');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('889', '31', '2853', 'Петрич', '2850', 'Вардар №2', 'Vardar №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('276', '31', '2850', 'Петрич', '2850', 'ул. кап. Никола Парапанов №18А', 'ul. cap. Nikola Parapanov №18А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('198', '31', '2852', 'Петрич', '2850', 'кв. Промишлена зона ул. Места №18', 'kv. Promishlena zona ул. Mesta №18');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('474', '65', '4552', 'Пещера', '4550', 'ул. Георги Кьосеиванов №52 до м-н Била', 'ul. Georgi Kaoseivanov №52');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('265', '65', '4551', 'Пещера', '4550', 'ул. Петър Цикалов №15', 'ul. Petyr Tsikalov №15');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('585', '277', '2071', 'Пирдоп', '2070', 'ул. Шеста №3', 'ul. Shesta №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('992', '32', '5803', 'Плевен', '5800', 'ул. Кара Колю №5А Кръговото до завод Мизия', 'ul. Kara Kolyu №5А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33486', '32', '5816', 'Плевен', '5800', 'пл. Иван Мендиликов №8 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'pl. Ivan Mеndilikov №8 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('538', '32', '5806', 'Плевен', '5800', 'ул. Васил Левски №74', 'ul. Vasil Levski №74');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('850', '32', '5811', 'Плевен', '5800', 'ул. Бъкстон №7', 'ul. Bykston №7');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('556', '32', '5810', 'Плевен', '5800', 'ж.к. Дружба ул. България №6', 'zh.k. Drujba ul. Bylgariya №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34713', '32', '5817', 'Плевен', '5800', 'ул. Метро №11', 'ul. Metro №11');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('146', '32', '5807', 'Плевен', '5800', 'ул. Неофит Рилски №33', 'ul. Neofit Rilski №33');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('865', '32', '5812', 'Плевен', '5800', 'ул. Сан Стефано №31', 'ul. San Stefano №31');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1102', '32', '5815', 'Плевен', '5800', 'ул. Сторгозия №165 до магазин СИКО', 'ul. Storgoziya №165');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('866', '32', '5813', 'Плевен', '5800', 'ж.к. Сторгозия зад 39 блок', 'zh.k. Storgoziya');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('602', '32', '5802', 'Плевен', '5800', '9-ти квартал ул. Хаджи Димитър №42 до сладкарница Космос', '9-ti kvartal ul. Hadzhi Dimityr №42');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('364', '32', '5808', 'Плевен', '5800', 'бул. Христо Ботев №94', 'bul. Hristo Botev №94');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('970', '33', '4044', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'Район Южен ул. Кукленско Шосе №11', 'Raion Ujen ul. Kuklensko Shose №11');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('37352', '33', '40008', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'Район Южен ул. Кукленско Шосе №11', 'Raion Ujen ul. Kuklensko Shose №11');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34008', '33', '4052', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'ж.к. Тракия бул. Съединение №43 блок.100 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'zh.k. Trakia bul. Saedinenie №43 блок.100 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34217', '33', '4055', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'бул. Руски №54 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Ruski №54 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34322', '33', '4060', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'бул. България №97 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Bylgariya №97 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34407', '33', '4061', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'кв. Автогара Родопи ул. Калиакра №7а', 'kv. Avtogara Rodopi ul. Kaliakra №7а');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('456', '33', '4015', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'Район Централен ул. Арчарица №1', 'Raion Centralen ul. Archaritsa №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('161', '33', '4002', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'Район Централен ул. Беласица №49', 'Raion Centralen ul. Belasitsa №49');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34207', '33', '4054', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'ул. Остромила №37', 'ul. Ostromila №37');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('950', '33', '4040', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'ул. Брезовско шосе №145А под хотел Филипополис', 'ul. Brezovsko shose №145А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34458', '33', '4062', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'бул. България №310 блок.10 в магазин Praktis', 'bul. Bylgariya №310 блок.10');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('792', '33', '4032', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'Район Северен ул. Васил Левски №244 “Карловско шосе”', 'Raion Severen ul.Vasil Lewski №244');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('258', '33', '4009', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'Район Централен ул. Хан Тервел №15', 'Raion Centralen ul. Han Tervel №15');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('638', '33', '4005', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'ж.к. Тракия ул. Димитър Ризов №1 блок.194 бл.194', 'zh.k. Trakia ul. Dimitar Rizov №1 блок.194');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1042', '33', '4046', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'кв. Захарна фабрика ул. Йоан Екзарх №17', 'kv. Zaharna fabrika ul. Yoan Ekzarh №17');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1007', '33', '4045', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'бул. Христо Ботев №7', 'bul. Hristo Botev №7');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('724', '33', '4026', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'ж.к. Изгрев ул. Острец №12', 'zh.k. Izgrev ul. Ostrets №12');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34722', '33', '4064', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'ул. Стефан Веркович №3 Бивша агенция по вписванията', 'ul. Stefan Verkovich №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('522', '33', '4006', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'кв. Коматево ул. Коматевско шосе №193', 'kv. Komatevo ul. Komatevsko shose №193');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('184', '33', '4003', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'кв. Кършиака ул. Средец №60', 'kv. Kyrshiaka ul. Sredets №60');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34236', '33', '4056', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'ул. Горно Броди №41', 'ul. Gorno Brodi №41');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('446', '33', '4014', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'бул. Марица №50', 'bul. Maritsa №50');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1005', '33', '4043', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'Район Южен ул. Кукленско Шосе №1 в автокомплекс Лем Инвест', 'Raion Ujen ul. Kuklensko Shose №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('810', '33', '4035', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'кв. Мараша ул. Младежка №37', 'kv. Marasha ul. Mladezhka №37');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34697', '33', '4063', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'ул. Орфей №24', 'ul. Orfey №24');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34324', '33', '4059', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'ж.к. Тракия бул. Освобождение №5 до такси 1', 'zh.k. Trakia bul. Osvobozhdenie №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('772', '33', '4029', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'кв. Гагарин бул. България №4 в двора на к-с ОРИ Билдинг, м-н Б-2', 'kv. Gagarin bul. Bylgariya №4');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('859', '33', '4037', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'кв. Прослав ул. Елин Пелин №30', 'kv. Proslav ul. Elin Pelin №30');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('807', '33', '4034', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'Район Централен ул. Драган Цанков №47', 'Raion Centralen ul. Dragan Tsankov №47');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('488', '33', '4019', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'Район Централен ул. Тунджа №10', 'Raion Centralen ul. Tundzha №10');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('622', '33', '4024', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'Район Северен ул. Георги Бенев №3', 'Raion Severen ul. Georgi Benev №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('872', '33', '4038', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'кв. Скобелева майка ул. Георги Цариградски №6', 'kv. Skobeleva maika ul. Georgi Carigradski №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('600', '33', '4016', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'ж.к. Христо Смирненски бул. Пещерско шосе №115', 'zh.k. Hristo Smirnenski bul. Peshtersko shose №115');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34757', '33', '4065', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'ул. Иван Гарванов №6', 'ul. Ivan Garvanov №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('969', '33', '4041', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'кв. Съдийски ул. Георги Груев №6', 'kv. Sydijski ul. Georgi Gruev №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('185', '33', '4004', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'Район Централен бул. Пещерско шосе №28А', 'Raion Centralen bul. Peshtersko shose №28А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('230', '33', '4007', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'ж.к. Тракия блок.45 бл.45', 'zh.k. Trakia блок.45');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('596', '33', '4023', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'ж.к. Тракия ул. Съединение №13', 'zh.k. Trakia ul. Syedinenie №13');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('811', '33', '4036', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'Район Северен ул. Брезовско шосе №4а', 'Raion Severen ul. Brezovsko shose №4а');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('476', '33', '4018', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'кв. Христо Ботев ул. Константин Геров №6', 'kv. Hristo Botev ul. Konstantin Gerov №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('806', '33', '4033', 'Пловдив', '4000', 'Район Южен бул. Александър Стамболийски №35', 'Raion Ujen bul. Aleksandyr Stamboliyski №35');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('348', '222', '5181', 'Полски Тръмбеш', '5180', 'ул. Търговска №19', 'ul. Tyrgovska №19');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1086', '67', '8203', 'Поморие', '8200', 'ул. Солна №39', 'ul. Solna №39');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34342', '67', '8205', 'Поморие', '8200', 'ул. Княз Борис І №175А срещу манастира', 'ul. Knyaz Boris І №175А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('72', '129', '7800', 'Попово', '7800', 'бул. България №117', 'bul. Bylgariya №117');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34341', '129', '7801', 'Попово', '7800', 'ул. Фотинова №2', 'ul. Fotinova №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34141', '68', '2165', 'Правец', '2161', 'ул. Бърдо №1', 'ul. Bardo №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('512', '124', '8291', 'Приморско', '8290', 'ул. Ропотамо №47', 'ul. Ropotamo №47');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('909', '69', '9202', 'Провадия', '9200', 'ул. Генерал Манзей №1', 'ul. General Manzey №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('320', '106', '4270', 'Първомай', '4270', 'ул. Стара планина №1', 'ul. Stara planina №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34247', '106', '4271', 'Първомай', '4270', 'ул. Княз Борис І-ви №193 до Цариградски път', 'ul. Knyaz Boris І-vi №193');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1039', '123', '8221', 'Равда', '8238', 'ул. Делфин №3', 'ul. Delfin №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34510', '145', '6262', 'Раднево', '6260', 'ул. Георги Димитров №25', 'ul. Georgi Dimitrov №25');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('141', '70', '2400', 'Радомир', '2400', 'ул. Райко Даскалов №46А', 'ul. Rayko Daskalov №46А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1008', '34', '7203', 'Разград', '7200', 'ул. връх Св. Никола №2 бивш магазин Росстел', 'ul. vryh Sv. Nikola №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('169', '34', '7201', 'Разград', '7200', 'ул. Осъм №30 блока зад БИЛЛА', 'ul. Osym №30');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34388', '1270', '2762', 'Разлог', '2760', 'ул. Бяла река №4', 'ul. Byala reka №4');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33972', '1270', '2761', 'Разлог', '2760', 'ул. Г.С.Раковски №5', 'ul. G.S.Rakovski №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34116', '116', '4640', 'Ракитово', '4640', 'ул. Липа №2', 'ul. Lipa №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34790', '105', '4154', 'Раковски', '4150', 'ул. Москва №27', 'ul. Moskva №27');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34128', '105', '4153', 'Раковски', '4150', 'ул. Трети март №41', 'ul. Treti mart №41');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('65', '229', '4960', 'Рудозем', '4960', 'бул. България №9', 'bul. Balgaria №9');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34383', '26072', '8540', 'Руен', '8540', 'ул. Първи май №41', 'ul. Parvi mai №41');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1000', '35', '7029', 'Русе', '7000', 'кв. Пристанище Изток сссс', 'kv. Pristanishte Iztok');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('965', '35', '70048', 'Русе', '7000', 'кв. Източна Промишлена Зона бул. Тутракан №47', 'kv. Iztochna Promishlena Zona bul. Tutrakan №47');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33464', '35', '7032', 'Русе', '7000', 'кв. Възраждане ул. Тулча №15 Закрит пазар (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'kv. Vazrajdane ul. Tulcha №15 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('37511', '35', '700001', 'Русе', '7000', 'ж.к. Здравец Изток бул. Тутракан №47', 'zh.k. Zdravets Iztok bul. Tutrakan №47');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('428', '35', '7013', 'Русе', '7000', 'ж.к. ЦЮР ул. Николаевска №109', 'zh.k. CUR ul. Nikolaevska №109');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('784', '35', '7022', 'Русе', '7000', 'Пазара ул. Люляк №11', 'Pazara ul. Lyulyak №11');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34237', '35', '7044', 'Русе', '7000', 'ж.к. Здравец Изток ул. Рига №11', 'zh.k. Zdravets Iztok ul. Riga №11');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34374', '35', '7046', 'Русе', '7000', 'бул. България №123', 'bul. Bylgariya №123');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34230', '35', '7042', 'Русе', '7000', 'кв. Дружба бул. Васил Левски №4 до Волов', 'kv. Drujba bul. Vasil Levski №4');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('555', '35', '7019', 'Русе', '7000', 'кв. Възраждане ул. Плиска №52', 'kv. Vazrajdane ul test №52');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('134', '35', '7006', 'Русе', '7000', 'ж.к. ЦЮР ул. Видин №1', 'zh.k. CUR ul. Vidin №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34676', '35', '7047', 'Русе', '7000', 'ж.к. Здравец Изток бул. Тутракан №48', 'zh.k. Zdravets Iztok bul. Tutrakan №48');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34229', '35', '7041', 'Русе', '7000', 'бул. Христо Ботев №74', 'bul. Hristo Botev №74');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('637', '35', '7005', 'Русе', '7000', 'Локомотив ул. Плиска №91', 'Lokomotiv ul test №91');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('54', '35', '7000', 'Русе', '7000', 'ж.к. Здравец Изток бул. Тутракан №48', 'zh.k. Zdravets Iztok bul. Tutrakan №48');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('814', '35', '7023', 'Русе', '7000', 'жк. Чародейка Г-север асдасд', 'zk. Charoeika G-sever');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('863', '35', '7026', 'Русе', '7000', 'ул. Солун №48', 'ul. Solun №48');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34228', '35', '7039', 'Русе', '7000', 'ж.к. Здравец Изток ул. Акад. Михаил Арнаудов №2', 'zh.k. Zdravets Iztok ul. Akad. Mihail Arnaudov №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('593', '35', '7020', 'Русе', '7000', 'Централна зона блок.1', 'Tsentralna zona блок.1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('962', '35', '7028', 'Русе', '7000', 'ж.к. Здравец Изток бул. Тутракан №47 тест', 'zh.k. Zdravets Iztok bul. Tutrakan №47');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34231', '35', '7043', 'Русе', '7000', 'жк. Чародейка Г-юг блок.213 .', 'zk. Charodeika G-ug блок.213');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('268', '230', '2000', 'Самоков', '2000', 'ул. Македония №70', 'ul. Makedoniya №70');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33981', '230', '2002', 'Самоков', '2000', 'кв. Самоково ул. Преспа №15', 'kv. Samokovo ul. Prespa №15');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('821', '230', '2001', 'Самоков', '2000', 'ул. Цар Борис 3 №3 блок.18', 'ul. Tsar Boris 3 №3 блок.18');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('333', '36', '2800', 'Сандански', '2800', 'ул. Георги Бенковски №15', 'ul. Georgi Benkovski №15');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34699', '36', '2803', 'Сандански', '2800', 'ул. Христо Ботев №13', 'ul. Hristo Botev №13');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('815', '36', '2801', 'Сандански', '2800', 'ул. Стефан Стамболов №6', 'ul. Stefan Stambolov №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34320', '231', '8257', 'Свети Влас', '8256', 'ул. Свети Власий №44 зад хотел Александра', 'Sveti Vlasiy Str. №44');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('250', '72', '6500', 'Свиленград', '6500', 'бул. България №60 на гърба на Уникредит Булбанк', 'bul. Bylgariya №60');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('661', '72', '6501', 'Свиленград', '6500', 'ул. 23-ти септември №71', 'ul. 23-ti septemvri №71');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('345', '73', '5251', 'Свищов', '5250', 'ул. Трети март №93', 'ul. Treti mart №93');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34714', '233', '2263', 'Своге', '2260', 'ул. Пенчо Славейков №5', 'ul. Pencho Slaveykov №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('957', '38', '5402', 'Севлиево', '5400', 'ул. Никола Петков №41А срещу Лидл', 'ul. Nikola Petkov №41А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33961', '38', '5403', 'Севлиево', '5400', 'пл. Свобода №1 зад РУМ (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'pl. Svoboda №1 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34468', '38', '5405', 'Севлиево', '5400', 'ул. Шипка №8', 'ul. Shipka №8');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('617', '113', '4491', 'Септември', '4490', 'кв. ЖП гара ул. Любен Каравелов №13', 'kv. ZHP gara ul. Luben Karavelov №13');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34769', '75', '7506', 'Силистра', '7500', 'кв. Простор ул. Цанко Церковски №14 блок.22 срещу магазин TeMax', 'kv. Prostor ul. Tsanko Tserkovski №14 блок.22');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1032', '75', '7505', 'Силистра', '7500', 'ул. Васил Априлов №20', 'ul. Vasil Aprilov №20');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('360', '75', '7502', 'Силистра', '7500', 'ул. Васил Априлов №80 срещу входа на Камъшит', 'ul. Vasil Aprilov №80');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('963', '75', '7504', 'Силистра', '7500', 'кв. Гагарин бул. Велико Търново №152', 'kv. Gagarin bul. Veliko Tyrnovo №152');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('915', '234', '6492', 'Симеоновград', '6490', 'ул. Търговска №8', 'ul. Tyrgovska №8');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34517', '235', '2731', 'Симитли', '2730', 'ул. Георги Димитров №74', 'ul. Georgi Dimitrov №74');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34509', '39', '8812', 'Сливен', '8800', 'бул. Христо Ботев №1 пред МБАЛ (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Hristo Botev №1 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('100', '39', '8801', 'Сливен', '8800', 'ул. Генерал Драгомиров №10 К-с Париж вътрешна страна', 'ul. General Dragomirov №10');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34123', '39', '8811', 'Сливен', '8800', 'бул. Братя Миладинови №16', 'bul. Bratia Miladinovi №16');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('649', '39', '8807', 'Сливен', '8800', 'комплекс Българка блок.27 вход от южната страна', 'kompleks Bylgarka блок.27');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('647', '39', '8806', 'Сливен', '8800', 'пл. Васил Левски №5', 'pl. Vasil Levski №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('623', '39', '8804', 'Сливен', '8800', 'кв. Дружба ул. Стефан Стамболов №4 обект 8', 'kv. Druzhba ul. Stephan Stambolov №4');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('625', '39', '8803', 'Сливен', '8800', 'кв. Клуцохор ул. Хан Крум №43', 'kv. Klutsohor ul. Han Krum №43');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('956', '39', '8808', 'Сливен', '8800', 'ул. Панайот Хитов №65', 'ul. Panayot Hitov №65');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33470', '39', '8809', 'Сливен', '8800', 'Самуиловско шосе №1А', 'Samuilovsko shose №1А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('45', '39', '8800', 'Сливен', '8800', 'кв. Индустриален ул. Стефан Караджа №6 50м навътре от портала', 'kv. Industrialen ul. Stefan Karadzha №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34402', '237', '2201', 'Сливница', '2200', 'ул. Георги Бенковски №2', 'ul. Georgi Benkovski №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34380', '26321', '7061', 'Сливо Поле', '7060', 'пл. Иван Рилски №1', 'pl. Ivan Rilski №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('504', '122', '8242', 'Слънчев Бряг', '8240', 'кв. Камелия до Автогарата', 'kv. Kamelia');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('501', '122', '8241', 'Слънчев Бряг', '8240', 'кв. Чайка до Поликлиника Вива', 'kv. Chaika');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34511', '122', '8245', 'Слънчев Бряг', '8240', 'ул. Пасифик №1 срещу х-л Рива', 'ул. Пасифик №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34766', '122', '8246', 'Слънчев Бряг', '8240', 'кв. Камелия до Автогарата 1 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'kv. Kamelia (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('923', '76', '4704', 'Смолян', '4700', 'ул. Бузлуджа №7 дълбоко дере', 'ul. Buzludzha №7');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33460', '76', '4705', 'Смолян', '4700', 'ул. Христо Смирненски №2а', 'ul. Hristo Smirnenski №2а');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34363', '76', '4708', 'Смолян', '4700', 'кв. Райково ул. Деспот Слав №1', 'kv. Raikovo ul. Despot Slav №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34223', '76', '4706', 'Смолян', '4700', 'ул. Братан Шукеров №11а', 'ul. Bratan Shukerov №11а');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('178', '121', '8130', 'Созопол', '8130', '№28', '№28');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('228', '40', '4330', 'Сопот', '4330', 'Сопот ул. Ганчо поп Николов №17', 'Sopot ul. Gancho pop Nikolov №17');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1029', '41', '1127', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Резбарска №11 След магазин Кауфланд до гараж Малашевци', 'ul. Rezbarska №11');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('926', '41', '10068', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Хладилника ул. Филип Кутев №137', 'kv. Hladilnika ul. Filip Kutev №137');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34456', '41', '1712', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Осми декември №1 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'ul. Osmi dekemvri №1 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34453', '41', '1701', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Враждебна бул. Ботевградско шосе №264 бензиностанция OMV (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'kv. Vrazhdebna bul. Botevgradsko shose №264 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34463', '41', '1705', 'София', '1000', 'бул. България №49В (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Balgaria №49В (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34127', '41', '1711', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Владимир Вазов №1 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Vladimir Vazov №1 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34455', '41', '17061', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Д-р Г.М.Димитров №55 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. D-r G.M.Dimitrov №55 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34454', '41', '1716', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Проф. Цветан Лазаров №1 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Prof. Cvetan Lazarov №1 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34118', '41', '1708', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Ломско шосе №2 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Lomsko shose №2 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33978', '41', '1704', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Царица Йоана №1 до магазин Лабиринт (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Tsaritsa Yoana №1 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34264', '41', '1715', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Опълченска №35 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'ul. Opylchenska №35 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34467', '41', '1725', 'София', '1000', 'жк Сердика бул. Акад. Иван Гешов №2д (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'jk Serdika bul. Akad. Ivan Geshov №2д (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34126', '41', '1710', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Резбарска №4 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'ul. Rezbarska №4 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34117', '41', '1707', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Рожен №20E (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Rozhen №20E (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34461', '41', '1713', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Александър Малинов №27 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Aleksandyr Malinov №27 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34119', '41', '1709', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Ген. Столетов №33 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Gen. Stoletov №33 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34462', '41', '22222', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Младост-1 бул. Цариградско шосе №56 бензиностанция OMV Окръжна болница (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'kv. Mladost-1 bul. Tsarigradsko shose №56 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34248', '41', '1714', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Александър Стамболийски №87 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Aleksandyr Stamboliyski №87 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('914', '41', '1107', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Аксаков №15', 'ul. Aksakov №15');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('876', '41', '1102', 'София', '1000', 'жк Лозенец ул. Димитър Хаджикоцев №12', 'zhk Lozenets ul. Dimityr Hadzhikotsev №12');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('803', '41', '1077', 'София', '1000', 'жк Белите брези ул. Лерин №41', 'zhk Belite brezi ul. Lerin №41');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('883', '41', '1103', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Надежда 3 блок.330 -', 'kv. Nadezhda 3 блок.330');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33458', '41', '1155', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Бенковски бул. Лазар Михайлов №122', 'kv. Benkovski bul. Lazar Mihaylov №122');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('384', '41', '1034', 'София', '1000', 'жк Лозенец ул. Бигла №37', 'zhk Lozenets ul. Bigla №37');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('256', '41', '1003', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Младост-4 блок.438 партер', 'kv. Mladost-4 блок.438');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1100', '41', '1137', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Манастирски ливади - Изток блок.64 вх.А офис 2', 'kv. Manastirski livadi - Iztok блок.64 вх.А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('837', '41', '1083', 'София', '1000', 'жк Студентски град ул. Акад.Борис Стефанов №2', 'jk Studentski grad ul. Akad.Boris Stefanov №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34359', '41', '1717', 'София', '1000', 'жк Студентски град ул. Акад.Борис Стефанов №2', 'jk Studentski grad ul. Akad.Boris Stefanov №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('983', '41', '1119', 'София', '1000', 'жк Борово блок.227 вх.А офис 4', 'zhk Borovo блок.227 вх.А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1055', '41', '1129', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Полигона бул. Проф. Цветан Лазаров №4-8 Борса Къра', 'kv. Poligona bul. Prof. Cvetan Lazarov №4-8');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('984', '41', '1120', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Хладилника бул. Черни връх №47', 'kv. Hladilnika bul. Cherni vryh №47');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34221', '41', '1178', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Враждебна бул. Ботевградско шосе №276', 'kv. Vrazhdebna bul. Botevgradsko shose №276');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('656', '41', '1062', 'София', '1000', 'Промишлена зона Военна рампа бул. Илиянци №12', 'Promishlena zona Voenna rampa bul. Iliyantsi №12');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('369', '41', '1032', 'София', '1000', 'Промишлена зона Искър (Гара Искър) ул. Мюнхен №14', 'Promishlena zona Iskar (Gar Iskar) ul. Myunhen №14');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('186', '41', '1012', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Цар Самуил №3', 'ul. Tsar Samuil №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('723', '41', '1064', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Горубляне ул. Пионерска №5', 'kv. Gorublyane ul. Pionerska №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34338', '41', '1182', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Кузман Шапкарев №5', 'ul. Kuzman Shapkarev №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33990', '41', '1149', 'София', '1000', 'жк Сердика ул. Гюешево №83', 'jk Serdika ul. Gyueshevo №83');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('867', '41', '10008', 'София', '1000', 'ул. 132 - кв. Дианабад №5', 'ul. 132 №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('468', '41', '1052', 'София', '1000', 'жк Дианабад ул. Тинтява №27', 'zhk Dianabad ul. Tintyava №27');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('897', '41', '1106', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Драгалевци ул. Папрат №18', 'kv. Dragalevtsi ul. Paprat №18');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('589', '41', '1055', 'София', '1000', 'жк Дружба-1 блок.108 .', 'zhk Druzhba-1 блок.108');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('979', '41', '1116', 'София', '1000', 'жк Дружба-2 ул. Илия Бешков №12 до м-н Мания', 'zhk Druzhba-2 ul. Iliya Beshkov №12');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33463', '41', '1157', 'София', '1000', 'жк Дървеница бул. Андрей Ляпчев №11', 'zhk Darvenitsa bul. Andrey Lyapchev №11');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34479', '41', '1726', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Хладилника бул. Черни връх №100 ет.-2 ниво -2 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'kv. Hladilnika bul. Cherni vryh №100 ет.-2 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34145', '41', '1170', 'София', '1000', 'жк Гоце Делчев бул. Тодор Каблешков №24 срещу бензиностанция Петрол', 'zhk Gotse Delchev bul. Todor Kableshkov №24');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('975', '41', '1113', 'София', '1000', 'жк Западен парк бул. Александър Стамболийски №196', 'zhk Zapaden park bul. Aleksandyr Stamboliyski №196');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33956', '41', '1144', 'София', '1000', 'жк Люлин-4 бул. Захари Стоянов - кв. Люлин №1 до блок 403', 'zhk Lulin-4 bul. Zahari Stoyanov №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33986', '41', '1148', 'София', '1000', 'жк Иван Вазов бул. Витоша №150', 'zhk Ivan Vazov bul. Vitosha №150');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('721', '41', '1011', 'София', '1000', 'жк Изток ул. Акад. Методи Попов №13', 'jk Iztok ul. Akad. Metodi Popov №13');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('200', '41', '1013', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Илиянци ул. Петър Панайотов №3', 'kv. Iliyantsi ul. Petyr Panayotov №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33444', '41', '1153', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Илиянци ул. Петър Панайотов №12 Втора база', 'kv. Iliyantsi ul. Petyr Panayotov №12');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34534', '41', '1193', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Карпузица ул. Любляна №69', 'kv. Karpuzica ul. Lyublyana №69');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('823', '41', '1080', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Витоша ул. Асен Разцветников №14А', 'kv. Vitosha ul. Asen Raztsvetnikov №14А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('180', '41', '1004', 'София', '1000', 'жк Лозенец ул. Капитан Тодор Ночев №28', 'zhk Lozenets ul. Kapitan Todor Nochev №28');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34474', '41', '1190', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Св Климент Охридски №65М', 'bul. Sv. Kliment Ohridski №65М');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34037', '41', '1164', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Цар Борис III №355', 'bul. Tsar Boris III №355');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('725', '41', '1049', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Козлодуй №8', 'ul. Kozloduy №8');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34711', '41', '1195', 'София', '1000', 'жк Зона Б-18 бул. Константин Величков №3', 'zhk Zona B-18 bul. Konstantin Velichkov №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('982', '41', '1118', 'София', '1000', 'жк Красна поляна-3 ул. Колю Фичето №0 до бл.31Б', 'zhk Krasna polqna-3 ul. Kolyu Ficheto №0');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('307', '41', '1005', 'София', '1000', 'жк Красно село ул. Царица Елеонора №12', 'zhk Krasno selo ul. Tsaritsa Eleonora №12');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34365', '41', '1183', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Кръстова вада бул. Черни връх №154', 'kv. Krystova vada bul. Cherni vryh №154');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34209', '41', '1177', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Балчик №5', 'ul. Balchik №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('403', '41', '1038', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Княгиня Тамара №40', 'ul. Knyaginya Tamara №40');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34700', '41', '1194', 'София', '1000', 'жк Левски-Г блок.6Б .', 'zhk Levski-G блок.6Б');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1019', '41', '1123', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Овча купел 1 бл. 430', 'kv. Ovcha kupel 1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('959', '41', '1112', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Надежда 1 блок.173 вх.Ж Партер', 'kv. Nadezhda 1 блок.173 вх.Ж');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1074', '41', '1132', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Барите ул. Поп Богомил №38', 'kv. Barite ul. Pop Bogomil №38');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34788', '41', '1198', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Овча купел 1 ул. Любляна №22А', 'kv. Ovcha kupel 1 ul. Lyublyana №22А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34439', '41', '1187', 'София', '1000', 'жк Люлин-8 ул. 3011 №5 срещу Булгаргаз', 'zhk Lulin-8 ul. 3011 №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1103', '41', '1139', 'София', '1000', 'жк Люлин-1 бл.002', 'zhk Lulin-1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1107', '41', '1140', 'София', '1000', 'жк Люлин-5 бул. Райко Даскалов №5 блок.519 вх.В до аптека Медея', 'zhk Lulin-5 bul. Rayko Daskalov №5 блок.519 вх.В');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('396', '41', '1037', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Малашевци ул. Първа Българска армия №82', 'kv. Malashevtsi ul. Pyrva Bylgarska armiya №82');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('848', '41', '1085', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Иван Сусанин №54Б', 'ul. Ivan Susanin №54Б');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34222', '41', '1179', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Младост-3 ул. Ген. Радко Димитриев №200 блок.387А к-с Гардения', 'kv. Mladost-3 ul. Gen. Radko Dimitriev №200 блок.387А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('594', '41', '1056', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Йерусалим №54 блок.54', 'ul. Yerusalim №54 блок.54');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34395', '41', '1184', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Младост-1А ул. Кръстьо Раковски №1 блок.508', 'kv. Mladost-1A ul. Krystao Rakovski №1 блок.508');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('751', '41', '1069', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Младост-2 блок.205Б бл.205б', 'kv. Mladost-2 блок.205Б');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34180', '41', '1175', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Младост-4 блок.487 магазин 6', 'kv. Mladost-4 блок.487');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34149', '41', '1172', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Младост-1 ул. Усмивка №23 Търговски комплекс М и С, до пазар Окръжна болница', 'kv. Mladost-1 ul. Usmivka №23');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('954', '41', '1110', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Модерно Предградие ул. Методи Македонски №20', 'kv. Moderno Predgradie ul. Metodi Makedonski №20');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34718', '41', '1197', 'София', '1000', 'жк Сухата река бул. Ботевградско шосе №4 блок.4', 'jk Suhata reka bul. Botevgradsko shose №4 блок.4');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33966', '41', '1146', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Младост-1 ул. Боян Дановски №13 блок.110 зад магазин Т-маркет (Мусагеница)', 'kv. Mladost-1 ul. Boyan Danovski №13 блок.110');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('3', '41', '1000', 'София', '1000', 'жк Хаджи Димитър ул. Резбарска №9', 'zhk Hadzhi Dimityr ul. Rezbarska №9');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('944', '41', '1108', 'София', '1000', 'Промишлена зона Военна рампа ул. Проф. Иван Георгов №3', 'Promishlena zona Voenna rampa ul. Prof. Ivan Georgov №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('605', '41', '1058', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Обеля 1 блок.122 бл. 122', 'kv. Obelya 1 блок.122');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('834', '41', '1082', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Обеля 2 бул. Ломско шосе №207', 'kv. Obelya 2 bul. Lomsko shose №207');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('464', '41', '1051', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Овча купел 1 ул. Маестро Кънев №78 до НБУ', 'kv. Ovcha kupel 1 ul. Maestro Kynev №78');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('304', '41', '1024', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Одрин №105', 'ul. Odrin №105');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('790', '41', '1075', 'София', '1000', 'жк Банишора ул. Опълченска №117 блок.54 блок 54', 'zhk Banishora ul. Opylchenska №117 блок.54');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1101', '41', '1138', 'София', '1000', 'жк Люлин-10 ул. Луи Пастьор №103А пресечната на бул.Луи Пастьор и ул.Никола Генев', 'zhk Lulin-10 ul. Lui Pastaor №103А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34017', '41', '1150', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Орландовци ул. Мара Бунева №59', 'kv. Orlandovtsi ul. Mara Buneva №59');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('749', '41', '1068', 'София', '1000', 'жк Яворов ул. Виктор Юго №7', 'zhk Yavorov ul. Viktor Yugo №7');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34321', '41', '1180', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Павлово ул. Мадара №1 вх.1 район Витоша', 'kv. Pavlovo ul. Madara №1 вх.1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34715', '41', '1020', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Янко Сакъзов №14', 'bul. Yanko Sakyzov №14');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34337', '41', '1181', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Самоковско шосе №214', 'ul. Samokovsko shose №214');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34482', '41', '1192', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Рачо Петков Казанджията №4', 'ul. Racho Petkov Kazandjiata №4');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('875', '41', '1090', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Шипченски проход №18 ТЦ Галакси, ниво партер', 'bul. Shipchenski prohod №18');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1066', '41', '1130', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Разсадника бул. Александър Стамболийски №215 215-217', 'kv. Razsadnika bul. Aleksandyr Stamboliyski №215');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('989', '41', '1121', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Георги Сава Раковски №79-81', 'ul. Georgi Sava Rakovski №79-81');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('978', '41', '1115', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Редута ул. Блага Димитрова №23', 'kv. Reduta ul. Blaga Dimitrova №23');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34150', '41', '1173', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Арх. Йордан Миланов №4', 'ul. Arh. Yordan Milanov №4');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('652', '41', '1061', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Крива река ул. Люлин планина №17', 'kv. Kriva reka ul. Lyulin planina №17');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('563', '41', '1035', 'София', '1000', 'жк Света Троица бл. 304', 'jk Sveta Troitsa');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('782', '41', '1073', 'София', '1000', 'жк Свобода ул. Ген.Никола Жеков №22 вход от ул.Дилянка', 'jk Svoboda ul. Gen.Nikola Zhekov №22');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('726', '41', '1065', 'София', '1000', 'жк Люлин-7 бул. Джавахарлал Неру №1 блок.769 магазин 2', 'zhk Lulin-7 bul. Dzhavaharlal Neru №1 блок.769');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34717', '41', '1196', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Симеоновско шосе №166 вх.Б магазин Б3', 'bul. Simeonovsko shose №166 вх.Б');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34028', '41', '1161', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Слатина ул. Иван Димитров - Куклата №15', 'kv. Slatina ul. Ivan Dimitrov - Kuklata №15');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('213', '41', '1016', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Александър Стамболийски №87', 'bul. Aleksandyr Stamboliyski №87');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33443', '41', '1152', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Осогово №36', 'ul. Osogovo №36');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34724', '41', '1362', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Ген. Данаил Николаев №10 блок.2', 'bul. Gen. Danail Nikolaev №10 блок.2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34146', '41', '1171', 'София', '1000', 'жк Стрелбище ул. Кестенова гора №21', 'jk Strelbishte ul. Kestenova gora №21');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('163', '41', '1009', 'София', '1000', 'жк Студентски град ул. Проф. Атанас Иширков - кв. Студентски град №11', 'jk Studentski grad ul. Prof. Atanas Ishirkov - kv. Studentski grad №11');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34132', '41', '1168', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Тодорини кукли №4 срещу м-н Била', 'ul. Todorini kukli №4');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34184', '41', '1176', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Суходол ул. Траян Танев №40', 'kv. Suhodol ul. Trayan Tanev №40');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('423', '41', '1043', 'София', '1000', 'жк Дървеница ул. Проф. Георги Брадистилов №6', 'zhk Darvenitsa ul. Prof. Georgi Bradistilov №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1072', '41', '1131', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Надежда 2 ул. Стражица №7', 'kv. Nadezhda 2 ul. Strazhitsa №7');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34477', '41', '1191', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Требич ул. Латин Колев - кв. Требич №36', 'kv. Trebich ul. Latin Kolev - kv. Trebich №36');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('387', '41', '1007', 'София', '1000', 'жк Гео Милев ул. Борис Христов №18-20', 'zhk Geo Milev ul. Boris Hristov №18-20');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('309', '41', '1025', 'София', '1000', 'жк Фондови жилища №203 .', 'zhk Fondovi zhilishta №203');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34007', '41', '1097', 'София', '1000', 'жк Хаджи Димитър пред блок 102, срещу Лидъл', 'zhk Hadzhi Dimityr');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('874', '41', '1089', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Софийски герой №4 магазин Billa, до химическото чист', 'ul. Sofiyski geroy №4');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1098', '41', '1136', 'София', '1000', 'кв. Христо Смирненски ул. Слатинска №35 блок.35', 'kv. Hristo Smirnenski ul. Slatinska №35 блок.35');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('629', '41', '1060', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Цар Самуил №74', 'ul. Tsar Samuil №74');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('391', '41', '1001', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Цар Симеон №133', 'ul. Tsar Simeon №133');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1027', '41', '1125', 'София', '1000', 'жк Дружба-2 блок.284 до вход Ж', 'zhk Druzhba-2 блок.284');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('284', '41', '1022', 'София', '1000', 'бул. Цариградско шосе №129 7-ми км до АТМ център', 'bul. Tsarigradsko shose №129');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34029', '41', '1162', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Ангел Маджаров №51-71', 'ul. Angel Madjarov №51-71');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34425', '41', '1185', 'София', '1000', 'ул. Марагидик №10-12', 'ul. Maragidik №10-12');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33695', '240', '8301', 'Средец', '8300', 'Средец ул. Лиляна Димитрова №1А', 'Sredec ul. Lilyana Dimitrova №1А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('995', '114', '4211', 'Стамболийски', '4210', 'кв. 57 Цар Симеон №40', 'kv. 57 Tsar Simeon №40');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34251', '42', '6020', 'Стара Загора', '6000', 'бул. Никола Петков №52 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Nikola Petkov №52 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33471', '42', '6018', 'Стара Загора', '6000', 'бул. Цар Симеон Велики №105 (Еконтомат 24/7)', 'bul. Tsar Simeon Veliki №105 (Econtomat 24/7)');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1110', '42', '6017', 'Стара Загора', '6000', 'ул. Генерал Гурко №4', 'ul. General Gurko №4');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('904', '42', '6013', 'Стара Загора', '6000', 'ул. Герасим Папазчев №8', 'ul. Gerasim Papazchev №8');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('603', '42', '6007', 'Стара Загора', '6000', 'кв. Индустриален ул. Промишлена №1 с/у бенз. "Марешки"', 'kv. Industrialen ul. Promishlena №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('798', '42', '6010', 'Стара Загора', '6000', 'кв. Железник бул. Цар Симеон Велики №0 до м-н Зорa', 'kv. Zheleznik bul. Tsar Simeon Veliki №0');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('901', '42', '6014', 'Стара Загора', '6000', 'кв. Индустриален зад магазин Мартинели', 'kv. Industrialen');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('902', '42', '6016', 'Стара Загора', '6000', 'бул. Цар Симеон Велики №161', 'bul. Tsar Simeon Veliki №161');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('818', '42', '6012', 'Стара Загора', '6000', 'ул. Свещеник Георги Клисаров №15', 'ul. Sveshtenik Georgi Klisarov №15');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('799', '42', '6011', 'Стара Загора', '6000', 'ул. Веселин Ханчев №2', 'ul. Veselin Hanchev №2');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34178', '42', '6019', 'Стара Загора', '6000', 'ул. Никола Икономов №5', 'ul. Nikola Ikonomov №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34452', '42', '6021', 'Стара Загора', '6000', 'ул. Хаджи Димитър Асенов №95', 'ul. Hadzhi Dimityr Asenov №95');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('277', '42', '6003', 'Стара Загора', '6000', 'бул. Христо Ботев №100', 'bul. Hristo Botev №100');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('827', '142', '5152', 'Стражица', '5150', 'Стражица ул. Михал Друмев №1', 'Strajica ul. Mihal Drumev №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34389', '26562', '9172', 'Суворово', '9170', 'ул. Бачо Киро №1а', 'ul. Bacho Kiro №1а');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33455', '104', '4190', 'Съединение', '4190', 'ул. Баба Исака Скачкова №6', 'ul. Baba Isaka Skachkova №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34216', '26600', '4634', 'Сърница', '4633', 'ул. Свобода №9', 'ul. Svoboda №9');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('205', '244', '8890', 'Твърдица', '8890', 'Твърдица ул. Хан Аспарух №13', 'Tvarditza ul. Han Asparuh №13');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('455', '245', '9451', 'Тервел', '9450', 'Тервел ул. Трети март №15', 'Tervel str. Treti mart №15');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('362', '246', '5701', 'Тетевен', '5700', 'Тетевен ул. Петко Милев Страшния №29А', 'Teteven ul. Petko Milev Strashniya №29А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34210', '26671', '6561', 'Тополовград', '6560', 'ул. Христо Смирненски №18', 'ul. Hristo Smirnenski №18');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34710', '43', '5603', 'Троян', '5600', 'ул. Димитър Икономов Димитриката №23 до автогарата', 'ul. Dimityr Ikonomov Dimitrikata №23');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('482', '43', '5601', 'Троян', '5600', 'Троян ул. Кирил и Методий №17 срещу Държавно Горско Стопанство', 'Troqn ul. Kiril i Metodiy №17');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('728', '43', '5602', 'Троян', '5600', 'ж.к. Лъгът ул. Генерал Карцов №206 блок.19 вх.Б партер', 'zh.k. Lygyt ul. General Kartsov №206 блок.19 вх.Б');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1038', '301', '4199', 'Труд', '4199', 'ул. Янтра №2Б', 'ul. Qntra №2Б');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34662', '26722', '5858', 'Тръстеник', '5857', 'пл. България №1', 'pl. Balgaria №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34225', '78', '5352', 'Трявна', '5350', 'ул. Бачо Киро №9', 'ul. Bacho Kiro №9');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('177', '248', '7600', 'Тутракан', '7600', 'Тутракан ул. Родина №10', 'Tutrakan ul. Rodina №10');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1046', '44', '7705', 'Търговище', '7700', 'кв. Индустриална зона Железничарска №1 бивша Родопа', 'kv. Industrialna.zona Zheleznicharska №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34694', '44', '7707', 'Търговище', '7700', 'кв. Въбел ул. Александър Стамболийски №110', 'kv. Vybel ul. Aleksandyr Stamboliyski №110');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('795', '44', '7704', 'Търговище', '7700', 'Търговище бул. Сюрен №1', 'Targoviste bul. Syuren №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34012', '44', '7706', 'Търговище', '7700', 'ул. Генерал Скобелев №1 магазин Булмаг', 'ul. General Skobelev №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('142', '44', '7701', 'Търговище', '7700', 'Търговище ул. Петко Р. Славейков №36', 'Targoviste ul. Petko R. Slaveykov №36');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('224', '150', '6450', 'Харманли', '6450', 'Харманли ул. Стефан Льондев №1', 'Harmanli ul. Stefan Lyondev №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('712', '150', '6451', 'Харманли', '6450', 'кв. Център ул. Марин Велев №1', 'kv. Tsentyr str. Marin Velev №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('997', '45', '6308', 'Хасково', '6300', 'Източна индустриална зона бул. Съединение №66', 'Iztochna industrialna zona bul. Syedinenie №66');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('775', '45', '6305', 'Хасково', '6300', 'Дружба 1 ул. Княз Борис I №3', 'Druzhba 1 ul. Knyaz Boris I №3');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('221', '45', '6301', 'Хасково', '6300', 'ж.к. Овчарски ул. Драгоман №42', 'zh.k. Ovcharski ul. Dragoman №42');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34218', '45', '6310', 'Хасково', '6300', 'кв. Болярово ул. Хасковска №22', 'kv. Bolyarovo ul. Haskovska №22');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('781', '45', '6306', 'Хасково', '6300', 'кв. Орфей кв. Веспрем №1 блок.22 сграда Козирог', 'kv. Orfey kv. Vesprem №1 блок.22');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('305', '45', '6302', 'Хасково', '6300', 'Места №1', 'Mesta №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('990', '45', '6307', 'Хасково', '6300', 'кв. Хисаря ул. Лом №1', 'kv. Hisarya ul. Lom №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('389', '45', '6303', 'Хасково', '6300', 'кв. Орфей ул. Димитровградско шосе №22 Сервиз Peugeot', 'kv. Orfey ul. Dimitrovgradsko shose №22');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('558', '45', '6304', 'Хасково', '6300', 'кв. Училищни ул. Цар Освободител №41', 'kv. Uchilishtni ul. Tsar Osvoboditel №41');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34424', '133', '4181', 'Хисаря', '4180', 'ул. Любен Каравелов №1', 'ul. Lyuben Karavelov №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('302', '119', '8260', 'Царево', '8260', 'Царево ул. Хан Аспарух №68', 'Carevo ul. Han Asparuh №68');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('789', '250', '4854', 'Чепеларе', '4850', 'ул. Васил Дечев №13', 'ul. Vasil Dechev №13');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1064', '249', '5981', 'Червен Бряг', '5980', 'ул. Г. С. Раковски №24', 'ul. G. S. Rakovski №24');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34434', '46', '6205', 'Чирпан', '6200', 'ул. Кочо Цветаров №44А', 'ul. Kocho Tsvetarov №44А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('506', '46', '6202', 'Чирпан', '6200', 'ул. Братя Даскалови №10', 'ul. Bratya Daskalovi №10');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34414', '1290', '9681', 'Шабла', '9680', 'ул. Боровец №5', 'ul. Borovec №5');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1069', '47', '9709', 'Шумен', '9700', 'бул. Ришки проход №191A', 'bul. Rishki prohod №191A');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('1050', '47', '9708', 'Шумен', '9700', 'кв. Боян Българанов 345a', 'kv. Boyan Bulgaranov');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('839', '47', '9707', 'Шумен', '9700', 'ул. Петра №22', 'ul. Petra №22');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33440', '47', '9710', 'Шумен', '9700', 'бул. Плиска №6 на ъгъла с ул. Хан Аспарух', 'bul. Pliska №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33476', '47', '9711', 'Шумен', '9700', 'ул. Генерал Скобелев №42', 'ul. General Skobelev №42');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('139', '47', '9703', 'Шумен', '9700', 'ул. Оборище №6', 'ul. Oborishte №6');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('248', '47', '9701', 'Шумен', '9700', 'ул. Цар Освободител №114', 'ul. Tsar Osvoboditel №114');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('204', '27120', '7078', 'Щръклево', '7078', 'ж.к. Щръклево ул. Централна №35А', 'zh.k. Straklevo ul. Centralna №35А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34379', '254', '5750', 'Ябланица', '5750', 'ул. Гурко №104', 'ul. Gurko №104');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34401', '27149', '4113', 'Ягодово', '4113', '№1 до фирма Йота', '№1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('910', '48', '8604', 'Ямбол', '8600', 'ул. Жорж Папазов №11', 'ul. Zhorzh Papazov №11');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34733', '48', '8613', 'Ямбол', '8600', 'ул. Страшимир Кринчев №1 блок 1', 'ul. Strashimir Krinchev №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33442', '48', '8608', 'Ямбол', '8600', 'ж.к. Георги Бенковски до бл.14', 'zh.k. Georgi Benkovski');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33694', '48', '8609', 'Ямбол', '8600', 'ж.к. Златен рог №81 Зад 11-ти блок , в близост до пощата', 'zh.k. Zlaten rog №81');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34678', '48', '8612', 'Ямбол', '8600', 'ж.к. Зорница ж.к. Зорница №9А', 'zh.k. Zornitsa g.k Zornitza №9А');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('33975', '48', '8610', 'Ямбол', '8600', 'Индустриална №1 малката търговия', 'Industrialna №1');

INSERT INTO `econt_offices` (`ID`, `TownID`, `OfficeCode`, `City`, `PostCode`, `Address`, `AddressEN`) VALUES ('34793', '48', '8615', 'Ямбол', '8600', 'ул. Дружба №1', 'ul. Druzhba №1');